This is one of my favorite things when it comes to making healthier choices!  There is no limit to your creativity when it comes to redoing your favorite recipes.  Everyone's health journey is different, so your journey will look different from my journey.  You don't have to find new recipes, even though that's fun only need to switch ingredients to cleaner options. The important thing is to relearn how to make your favorite dishes so you can still feel good about what you are eating.

I remember having to go through an adjustment period when my heath was in such a poor state and a big reason for it was how I had been eating.  Once I was able to detox from my poor eating habits, I began learning how to change ingredients and still make extremely delicious recipes.

There will be many exciting recipes shared and hopefully you will get as excited as I am, making healthy peanut butter cups, a healthy homemade protein shake, gluten-free, flourless brownies, tikka masala, fat bombs, nice cream (that yes, I eat almost nightly) and I can go on and on! 

Tweaking recipes to fit your health needs can be a fun journey and it will allow you to make healthy changes for life that your "future you" will thank you for!!

Recipe Redo