My journey began years ago with allergies as a child and living in a house with a moldy basement.  As life goes, I accepted my symptoms as something normal and just lived with them.  In high school, I got mononucleosis and was sick for several weeks.  I ended up very worn down and never fully recovered from it which resulted in an autoimmune illness called Epstein Barr virus.  The EBV caused me to fatigue easily but as long as I rested during these episodes, I lived life as normally as I could.

It wasn't until 2017 when I had a reaction to a vaccine and realized something was very wrong.  I could barely get out of bed some days and had chronic fatigue all the time.  Some days I couldn't even complete 1 or 2 tasks because I didn't have enough energy.  Most days, after work, I would rest on the couch.  I had food sensitivities, chronic headaches, achy joints and terrible brain fog.  I saw 5 different doctors, including a rheumatologist and an allergist but no one could explain the cause of my illness.  They all wanted to prescribe me a number of medications that would only touch the symptoms but not the causes.

I finally opted out of western medicine and found a naturopathic doctor--victory!!  After he assessed my symptoms he felt strongly that this was pointing towards Lyme disease.  He requested blood work and in order for insurance to cover it, I had my family doctor order it.  I explained to my family doctor, the possible Lyme diagnosis and he said that he probably wouldn't know how to read the result. 

I assured him I had a naturopathic who I would be following up with.  If you're not aware, naturopathic treatment is not covered by insurance.  This can be maddening when all you want is to feel better!  When the blood work result came back, my family doctor looked at it and said that my Lyme test came back negative.

My follow-up appointment with my naturopathic was an emotional one because I thought maybe it wasn't Lyme disease.  He took one look at it, circled several areas in red ink and he said, "It's definitely Lyme disease."  I was crying at this point, relieved to finally have an answer. 

He set up a plan of action for me which you guessed it, started with nutrition!  The plan also included supplements, cranial therapy, oxygen and I began a gut detox to start to assist my body systems to begin to heal. 

I remember my husband and I standing at the front reception desk after that appointment and I was in a complete daze.  The assistant was going over my protocols and I looked over at my husband with tears in my eyes because I couldn't process anything she was saying, I was so overwhelmed.  He hugged me and said he was there for me....and he was!  I won't say that these first steps were easy but I was so sick and tired, you have to start somewhere and I was ready to start a protocol that might help me feel better.

One of my sayings is, "You're just not sick enough yet to make the changes you need to feel better."  Everyone's health journey is so different but know that small steps in the right direction can give big results in the end.  You can feel better with some guidance.  I am on a mission and my hope is that in sharing my journey, you may begin your own journey and find hope and healing!

My Journey


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