Years ago I was introduced to them and was very hesitant. I thought - Why do I need them? I wasn't taking any prescription medications and if I needed help, I would take over-the-counter medications, as needed.
Take a few drops of oil in a capsule or apply an oil on my skin? What? Could that even be safe? I wasn't even thinking what was in the OTC medications. I was also taking an OTC allergy medication, daily.
My friend said - you're already taking medications and you have no idea what is in those ingredients...she said, switch to the oils for 30 days and see how you feel, what do you have to lose? If you don't see a difference, switch back.
It didn't take me long before I was convinced! I switched over to oils and haven't looked back.
We use them for sleep, stress, seasonal allergies, stomach discomfort...I could go on and on!