You will find out-of-the-box methods to great health…..YOU CAN DO THIS! That is what I needed to hear when I was struggling with my health. You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods! We don’t think we are doing anything crazy or unhealthy. I loved my cheesy corn chips, chocolate snack cakes and candy, amongst all the other foods I felt were okay to eat. Not realizing, how strong our body systems are at tolerating everything we put them through.
I am not a doctor and this information should not be considered medical advice. This post is for informational purposes and is my own personal experience. If you need medical help, seek this from your own medical professional.
There I was, eating and drinking whatever I wanted, rarely exercising and never detoxing or choosing natural alternatives to the chemicals that are in most everything we use on the shelf…I was burying my own health.
When we think of healthy eating, we immediately think boring. Healthy is not boring if you are willing to think outside-of-the-box. Unfortunately, so many foods offered in grocery stores are highly processed and terrible for our health. These foods taste good but be aware that many food additives (also known as excitotoxins) such as MSG, yeast extract and natural flavors are added and they hijack our taste buds. These chemical additives cause us to crave more of these unhealthy foods. Don’t think for a second that this is by accident.
Food companies want us to crave their unhealthy snacks. This is where learning to read labels can be a game changer and such a powerful tool. When you empower yourself and learn what you are putting into your body, you make a tremendous investment in your future health. This investment comes with a bonus…you will feel better!
One of the most powerful changes you can make to positively impact your health is changing your eating habits. We will continue to dive deeper into this topic in the future but just know how great an impact the food you eat has on your overall health. You can choose food that either increases or decreases your inflammation.
For example, foods that are prepared with highly processed inflammatory seed oils like — peanut, canola, corn, vegetable, sunflower and cottonseed to name a few, can easily be changed. They trigger an inflammatory response in our bodies. Because these inflammatory oils have a cheaper cost, food companies choose to put them in their products. Safer oils to use instead are extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil. This is another opportunity to look at your food labels. You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
Remember this, the less ingredients on the label, the better. With fewer ingredients listed, ideally seven (7) or less, you can more easily determine whether they are good for your health. Unfortunately, the people in charge of our food regulations are still allowing and accepting unsafe ingredients in these manufactured foods. This puts the responsibility on you, to learn what is safe and unsafe. You can find better options, especially on Thrive Market and Amazon.
We know when we are feeling our best. But when we’re not, we end up making excuses for bad choices with our health and wellness. Do not accept being or feeling sick! It’s time that you don’t accept your own excuses, let alone what western medicine tells us is normal or healthy. They tend to prescribe a pill and, unfortunately, that may come with side effects which can cause other illnesses.
How many people do you know and maybe yourself included, who are on multiple medications that include prescription or over-the-counter? These medications will not make us better. Don’t get me wrong…there are times when we may need certain medications for an illness or disease we may have.
Another thing I want you to remember is – If you take action with your health prior to there being a crisis it is so worth it! Taking action can help lessen an illness and even can help prevent an illness! Think of it like this…Why do you have your car serviced or do preventative maintenance on a regular basis? You want your car to be ready to go at all times when you need it, right? You depend on your car to get you where you need it to go. If you didn’t take care of your car, you would eventually run into big problems.
This is the same with your health. We are so dependent on a healthy body and just expect to automatically have good health. Our body systems are truly an amazing creation by God. Our bodies do their best to handle what we “throw at them”. Whether good or bad, sometimes our systems become overloaded and can start to not support us when we need them to. It is at these times that we need to listen to these warnings and be proactive.
A symptom and a cause are related. Treating a symptom with a pill will not stop the cause of the health problem you are struggling with. It may give temporary relief but suppressing a symptom doesn’t answer the question – Why am I feeling sick? Also, when we suppress the symptom we also suppress our entire immune system which puts us at risk for additional illnesses because our immune fighters are not working at full power. You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
I started to take action when my health was in a crisis. At the time, I was in my 40’s and the struggle truly showed itself after an incident with a vaccine. After taking the vaccine and becoming very sick and weak, I took action to get answers. I did not get answers right away because I first chose to seek my answers through western medicine practitioners. They could not figure out why my body was reacting the way it was.
After x-rays, blood work, numerous tests and evaluations…still no answers. That is when I decided to seek a naturopathic doctor. I began getting answers! Even though I wanted to hear that it was nothing, I knew better and was thankful to have answers and a starting point to healing.
Our immune system is amazing, as explained by my naturopathic doctor. Over the years my existing autoimmune issues were being managed. Once at a tipping point, the vaccine weakened my immune system to the point to where the autoimmune issues were no longer being managed. My immune system had been compromised and it clearly told me so. I hadn’t been listening to the numerous, subtle warnings over the years. Inflammation, weakened immune system, headaches, hormone issues and the list goes on.
After the vaccine incident, my body forced me to make a choice. I could either choose differently or I could push forward and keep doing the same, broken thing and chance becoming even more sick. My symptoms at this point were achy joints, extreme fatigue, headaches, memory issues (foggy brain). I couldn’t form thoughts into words…it was so frustrating.
I share all of this to let you know – THERE IS HOPE! You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
If you will realize that you need to make changes now to invest in a future, healthier you, you can avoid so many unnecessary health battles down the road. Who wants to be sick? Doesn’t it make sense to make some changes now before you find yourself in the middle of a health crisis?
Don’t you want to be able to get around physically in your 80’s and even 90’s? I see so many people just struggling to walk, let alone to bend and even crawl on the floor with their kids or grandkids. This is your wake up! YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Have you heard the saying – You’re not old…you just need to stretch. We need to stop believing all the lies that are out there and take control of our health. This means to make a commitment to yourself and choose a program to improve your stretching and strengthening. Whatever that may look like, take a small step and give yourself credit for taking the brave action! You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
To ensure that we are able to get around as we age, we need to be active and move our bodies so they can support us and do what we ask of them. My husband has a saying…”Your muscles will only give you as much as you ask of them…if you ask nothing of them, they will give you just that.” If you don’t stretch and strengthen your body, then it will become weaker and weaker.
We need to choose activities that help us to de-stress and enjoy our days more. When we choose activities that help decrease our stress level, it can help with anxiety, improve sleep, improve overall body function, including digestion and tremendously help with overall outlook. I love to change my perspective. When you have a rough day, you can choose to look at the difficulty or turn to see how blessed you are and choose to be grateful. You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
My faith and walk with God is so important on this life journey. God makes life make so much more sense for the unknown, gifted number of years we have on this earth. When we involve God in our lives, life doesn’t have to dictate our peace, or lack of peace. With God first, we can find peace no matter what is going on around us.
“These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Another area is to choose better alternatives to chemical-laden and artificial-based products. Heavy scents and perfumes do not make us smell good or clean. These chemicals are short-circuiting our endocrine systems which control our body function. This system includes our hormones. Also, our skin is the largest organ in our bodies and what we choose to put in and on it can greatly affect the regulation of cellular activity and overall body function.
There are so many great, natural options to choose from for your home and health/beauty. Here are just a few examples: When I began the “detox” mission in our home, I started by changing my makeup to a clean company, called 100% Pure. I love them and their mission! I next tackled our cleaning products and switched to using a blend of essential oils for our overall home disinfectant, vinegar and water for window cleaner, castile soap for our body wash (and I love adding my favorite essential oils to customize my body wash!). You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
We also use a bio-degradable, scent-free laundry soap and I love using wool dryer balls instead of fabric softener. Have you ever tried getting fabric softener out of your clothes?! The chemicals are toxic and we are rinsing it through our clothes, towels and bedding and then embedding and then embedding it in our skin, which is the largest organ in our body. Then we wonder why we are having hormone imbalance, headaches and allergies, just to name a few. There are so many more products you can change to upgrade your health game and feel better! There is so much more exciting information on this topic that I can’t wait to share with you.
Being intentional in each of these areas is so important for our overall current and future health. The key is to “start now” and make the differences that our bodies need. When we assist in “offloading” the heavy burden of poor eating/drinking, taking in toxins through the air, food and water we drink, poor habits and the list goes on, we lessen the burden to our system. With the burden lessened, our bodies can better balance what we ask it to do.
When we take intentional steps to detox, we are helping our system to be able to perform and protect us at a stronger capacity. These methods are numerous! You can do something as simple as 1 or 2 drops of lemon essential oil in your water. Fresh, organic lemons work too. Just one great benefit of lemon oil is for liver detox. There is a struggle to burn fat and carbohydrates efficiently in the liver when there are excess toxins. Lemon juice contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements that assist our health and metabolic function. The liver uses enzymes to assist in breaking toxins down, then eliminating them. Lemon oil can help the liver produce more enzymes and stimulate the liver to release the toxins.
Another detox method is rebounding or “calf jumps”, using a small trampoline. There are so many health benefits for these but just one is that this simple movement stimulates our lymph system. A healthy moving lymph system can help our bodies flush out toxins and…it’s fun!
One of my favorite detox methods is an epsom salt bath…I adore them! Not only do you get 20-40 minutes to relax, the boost of magnesium sulfate releases and enters our body through the skin. Just to name a few benefits, the magnesium assists the body in reducing inflammation, reduces stress and can help relieve sore muscles. I like adding a blend of essential oils to the salts before sprinkling them into the tub. This helps to distribute the oils so they don’t just float.
In a future share, we will dive deeper into infrared saunas, but I can share with you that they are an amazing resource in detoxification and improving your health! You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
Ask yourself:
What can I do for myself today that will make a difference for my health tomorrow? How do you feel today? Notice, I didn’t ask: How much do you weigh today? Weighing a certain number or being skinny is NOT what healthy is.
Remember to look at the root cause and not the symptom. If a wall inside your house is on fire, would you sprinkle water on it and go about your day, normally? The fire would continue to smolder and would eventually reignite and cause more damage. The correct solution would be to open up the wall, put out the fire and then rebuild the wall.
It should be the same with your health. Discover the cause of your “fire” and then you can begin to heal properly. Don’t put it off and wonder why you feel so crummy in 6 months or a year. You are the one who has to be intentional in making smart choices for your health.
Better choices over time equal better health.
When I started to make intentional changes, I started to have improved health. My health is not perfect but I love to keep learning new techniques and continue to improve. There has been great improvement for my husband and myself once we decided to take charge of our health. More energy, improved sleep, better focus and overall feeling better. We are rarely sick and when we do catch a bug, we tend to recover more quickly.
All of these improvements I attribute to the intentional changes that we have made with our overall health. It is a process and at times, can be difficult….but YOU ARE WORTH IT! When you intentionally choose better for your health, another bonus is a stronger immune system! You can have great health by using out-of-the-box methods!
We are going to dive in deeper and in greater detail on these topics and give you the help and support you will need to start feeling better! We are going to have so much fun together…getting healthier!
You are not alone on this journey and I am here for you!
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